
Learning is a process that cannot be dictated by structure, timelines or deadlines, yet for practical reasons certain timeline and structure has been put to place to initiate the enquiry and exploration.

Each learner is unique in a way, thus each learning journey has to be hand crafted individually by the learner himself or herself. Being academy is a one year long immersive transformational program that involves various modules and phases to support the individual enquiry of the participants. Each module is complete into itself to suit participants who join only for the module, yet at the same time each module complements the subsequent module to support the deeper enquiry for those who wish to join for entire duration of one year.

We are now accepting the registrations for the first module of three months which will start in the first week of February 2024 with online orientation program in the second half of November 2023. This 3-month module will be at Madman’s farm, Konda Deori, approx 150 km from Bhopal. (

These three months we will witness nature's beautiful transition from winters to summer and involve harvesting of winter crops and sowing for summer.

The program involves a learning journey and hence commitment for the entire period of three months is required.


EKF wishes to make no financial gains from this program. However, the program, food, accommodation, mentor travel and support, online work etc.. all these require financial support. At the same time, we do not want finances to be a constraint for deserving candidates. So, we have kept the contribution in sliding scale of INR 25000 to INR 45000 per month (For Non Indian participants 600 to 900 USD).

At the same time, we do not want finances to be a constraint for deserving candidates. So, we have kept the contribution in sliding scale of INR 25000 to INR 45000 per month.
